Oxford Scientific Films

Extraordinary Stories
Beautifully Told
Oxford Scientific Films
Extraordinary Stories | Beautifully Told
Oxford Scientific Films, owned by ITV Studios and run by an award-winning all-female executive team produces blue-chip landmark natural history and documentaries for broadcasters all around the world. OSF’s reputation for awe-inspiring cinematography and innovative storytelling has earned global respect and an enviable collection of awards including Primetime EMMYS, BAFTAs, RTS and Wildscreen Pandas including the coveted Golden Panda.
The creative team is fronted by Caroline Hawkins (creator of Meerkat Manor and previously an NHU director.) We are are responsible for a string of TV and theatrical hits for the BBC, National Geographic, Discovery, Sky, PBS and NHK including Meerkat Manor, China: Nature’s Ancient Kingdom, Magical Land of Oz, Wild Korea, Pandas 3D: The Journey Home and Wild Tokyo.